Category: Blog Post

  • FAQ Page

    The FAQ Page is now viewable, it’s under the About tab. There will be more questions added over time. Let me know if there are any other questions I should add to the page! Leave a comment or send an email. :)

  • Themes for FAQ

    I am currently deciding which theme to use for this website. I will be putting one up and testing it periodically. If there are any notes someone wants to make regarding this process let me know! May 4th 2011 Update: I have decided to use Thesis Theme for making a theme for the website. It…

  • Grab Bag! The First

    Here is the first of the weekly Grab Bags! What is Faith? Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. -Hebrews11:1 What is “the kingdom of God” in Matthew 6:33? For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the…

  • Future Posts/Pages

    Fridays will have a post called Grab Bags, somewhat small posts of questions I get over time that can be answered in a sentence or two. It may be between three and ten questions regarding the bible. Also, I will be adding an FAQ page about this website. I think it would be too impersonal…

  • Starting this site

    Welcome to Frequent Apostolic My name is Dakota and I am currently working on this site. The name here is a play off of Frequently Asked Questions (if you hadn’t gotten that already) and was God inspired. Click here for more information on the name. This website is what the Lord will use through…