Bible Study: Bad Behaviors
In this post, I want to talk about behaviors. However, I don’t really know how to start it off. I think the main thing here is to understand what a bad behavior is and how it is removed. How about we start with a scripture? That’s always a good start. These will help explain bad…
Shutting and Opening the Doors
Today I am going to talk about how God takes care of his people. There are several instances in the bible which show this and I will cover the ones which best relate to this story. On Tuesday, January 24, 2012 I was no longer employed at the place I had been working. They explained…
Revamp of this Blog and Podcast
I have been doing a lot of thinking and praying. I have come to the conclusion this website needs some revamping. In the coming weeks you can expect to see a few changes. Things You Can Expect: Weekly or Bi-Weekly Podcast I haven’t decided if it will be weekly or every two weeks yet. Mainly…
House grew two feet bigger
Word of the day, haitus. Sorry for the long time between the last episode and this blog post. I have been pretty busy with the new one being around and haven’t been able to take time out to do much on here. Here is a picture of the new addition to our household :) We…
Episode 011 – Rama
Frequent Apostolic Questions Episode Number 011 Hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of Frequent Apostolic Questions. My name is Dakota Sutcliffe and this is THE podcast about getting answers to your bible questions. Segments for Today: Grab Bag WOW Grab Bag Segment In this segment we go over the most recent Grab Bag…